Sunset Forest Boulders

10.2 Gold Golem Boulder

  • 10.2.1 -
    Gold Shine*
    Start on a sloper on left and good undercut on right, make powerful moves to slap the slopers above, finish towards left
  • 10.2.2 -
    A Hero Is Born 英雄降世***
    Start on a line of slopping crimps, get the slopers above by making body tension moves, after getting the jug between the rocks, use both side to top out
  • 10.2.3 -
    Start on a crimp and a side pull, finish by linking to the end hold of Golem v2
  • 10.2.4 -
    Golem (sds)***
    Sit start on a good side pull, make technical moves using the line of side pulls, finish by matching hands on the good jug
  • 10.2.5 -
    Pang's Wing 鵬之翼***
    Start on a sloper, kick to the left to get a toe hook on the side pulls of Golem v2, make technical moves to traverse to left, finish at the same jug of Golm v2
  • 10.2.6 -
    Golden Hour 黃金時刻**
    Stand start on the good undercut, use the poor holds above to make dynamic moves to get the good sloper on the edge
  • 10.2.7 -
    Golden Hour 黃金時刻 (sds)***
    Sit start on the sloper
  • 10.2.8 -
    Forge In Fire 千錘百鍊 (sds)***
    Sit start on the crimpy side pulls, get the holds on the right arete, finish above.
  • 10.2.9 -
    Forge In Fire**
    Start on a good side pull crimp on left and a sloper on right, make compression moves to get the good hold on the edge, finish above
  • 10.2.10 -
    Green Gold (sds)*
    Sit start on the side pull slopers, stand up to get the side pulls and crimps, finish by matching hand on the slopping crimp marked on the topos
There are total 10 routes on the Gold Golem Boulder that is located in zone 10. The boulder problems are graded V2 - V10 and rated with stars, we recommend you to come and try these problems.