Sunset Forest Boulders

7.1 Jip Boulder

  • 7.1.1 -
    Bumper Head (Left)**
  • 7.1.2 -
    Bumper Head (sds)***
    Start at the good undercut beneath the roof, make technical moves to gain the top shelf.
  • 7.1.3 -
    Stream Line (sds)*
    Start on a good jug, use the edge to traverse all the way right.
  • 7.1.4 -
    Drive By (sds)*
    Start on two gaston crimps, move up the edge above.
  • 7.1.5 -
    Highway To Hell (sds)***
    Same start as line 5, traverse to right using small crimps and side pulls. Avoid using the edge of the top.
  • 7.1.6 -
    Torn (sds)**
    Start on a double gaston, make shouldery moves to get to the top.
  • 7.1.7 -
    Boulderizer (sds)**
    Start on a side pull crimp, get the crimps above.
There are total 7 routes on the Jip Boulder that is located in zone 7. The boulder problems are graded V2 - V6 and rated with stars, we recommend you to come and try these problems.