Sunset Forest Boulders

8.5 Rakia Boulder

  • 8.5.1 -
    Floating City 天空之城 (sds)***
    Start on a good jug, get the good crimps above, finish up the slab.
  • 8.5.2 -
    Rakia 蒼穹 (sds)***
    Same start as line 1, use the holds on the left of the slab, avoid using the crimps of line 1.
  • 8.5.3 -
    Moon Tower 月塔 (sds)***
    Same start as line 1, get the undercut of the opposite side instead, climb up through that side.
  • 8.5.4 -
    Crimson Arrow 紅蓮之矢 (sds)***
    Start on a crimp on the left and a sloper on the right, make powerful moves to get up the slab, for safety reasons, when topping out the slab, the right side can also be used.
  • 8.5.4a -
    Night Beauty**
    Start on a crimp on the left and a good sloper on the right, follow line 4 to get up the slab.
  • 8.5.5 -
    Start on a pinchy side pull on left and a crimp on right, make a strong move to get the good crimp above, finish up the slab.
There are total 6 routes on the Rakia Boulder that is located in zone 8. The boulder problems are graded V2 - project and rated with stars, we recommend you to come and try these problems.