Sunset Forest Boulders

8.8 Silken cave 盤絲洞 Boulder

  • 8.8.1 -
    Moonlight Chest Low**
    Extension of the line 2, start on a pinch, and step on a good hold, then do a POGO move to start hold of line 2, and then follow line 2.
  • 8.8.2 -
    Moonlight Chest 月光寶盒***
    Start on the good crimp, and either trust some small foot holds or just campus first few moves, then use the arete to adjust the body position, then use 2 slopers on top to stand up and reach the further jug to help you top out.
  • 8.8.3 -
    Mighty Monkey King 齊天大聖***
    Start on a volcano-like hold, follow the edge and traverse. After you reach the pinch, you can continue use the line 2 crimp and use the same beta to top out.
  • 8.8.3a -
    Boyabolomi 波若波囉咪
    Same start as line 3, but top out in the middle.
There are total 4 routes on the Silken cave 盤絲洞 Boulder that is located in zone 8. The boulder problems are graded V2 - V6 and rated with stars, we recommend you to come and try these problems.