Sunset Forest Boulders

1.3 Spectral 幽冥 Boulder

  • 1.3.1 -
    Lantern 燈籠*
    Start on the big ledge, head up above.
  • 1.3.2 -
    Oblate 奉 (sds)**
    Start on the undercut and side pull next to it, use good crimps to finish above the ledge.
  • 1.3.3 -
    Monster Strength 怪力 (sds)**
    Start on the big ledge and launch up to a good crimp on the right, finish as line 2.
  • 1.3.4 -
    God Of Chaos 亂神 (sds)***
    Same start as line 3, but move up directly instead. Make use of the small crimps to do technical/balancy moves. Avoid using the good crimp (right after the start) of line 3.
  • 1.3.5 -
    Treants 樹精
    Start on the good jug and climb up, avoid the treant behind you !
  • 1.3.6 -
    Spectral 幽冥
    Start on two sloping crimps and make powerful moves to gain the ledge above.
  • 1.3.6a -
    Mojo’s Crimp (sds)
    Sds version on a sharp crimp.
  • 1.3.7 -
    Ghost Fire 鬼火**
    Start on the big sidepull, launch up to get good holds.
  • 1.3.8 -
    Scary Face 鬼臉**
    Fun slab starting on good crimps.
  • 1.3.9 -
There are total 10 routes on the Spectral 幽冥 Boulder that is located in zone 1. The boulder problems are graded V1 - V8 and rated with stars, we recommend you to come and try these problems.