Sunset Forest Boulders

11.1 Star Walkin' Boulder

  • 11.1.1 -
    The Monument 里程碑**
    Left hand start on the good crimp, and then right hand on a lower position sloper, left foot using toe hook or heel hook should be easier to get off the ground.
  • 11.1.1a -
    The Monument 里程碑 sds (sds)*
    Find two good sloper near the circled starts, and follow the stand start version.
  • 11.1.2 -
    Tectonic (sds)***
    Single start on the crimp, you can either choose to use left hand first to the upper slopery holds, or gaston to right hand hold first.
  • 11.1.3 -
    Star Troop*
    Find the best horizontal sloper near the circled start, and then enter the crux immediately.
  • 11.1.4 -
    Star Walkin'***
    Start on the two crimps and heel hook to leave the ground, follow the highlighted line to traverse and ends at the same top among all problems.
  • 11.1.5 -
    Star Walkin' Extension***
    Start even lower start using sloper and do the whole traverse
  • 11.1.6 -
    浮華 Glitz (sds)***
    Left hand start on the vertical crimp, right hand on a better crimp, you can find a heel hook that suits you for your left foot, this problem requires dynamic moves to the top.
There are total 7 routes on the Star Walkin' Boulder that is located in zone 11. The boulder problems are graded V4 - V8 and rated with stars, we recommend you to come and try these problems.