Sunset Forest Boulders

2.3 The Whale Boulder

  • 2.3.1 -
    Humpback Song (sds)**
    Start on two crimps, get the next good hold, top out above.
  • 2.3.2 -
    Whale Fall (sds)**
    Same start as line 1, traverse to the good ledge on the left, then top out above this.
  • 2.3.3 -
    Start on a side pull crimp on left and sloper on right, get the next good crimp.
  • 2.3.4 -
    Kun 鯤 (sds)***
    Start of line 1, link up line2, then traverse all the way to the whale tail!
  • 2.3.5 -
    Orca (sds)**
    Start on a crimp, make powerful moves to get the next good hold.
  • 2.3.6 -
    Big Blue (sds)**
    Start at a v-shape good hold and a small crimp, top right above.
  • 2.3.6a -
    Small Blue (sds)**
    Start at a crimp on right and sloper on left, traverse to the left, link up to Big blue left.
  • 2.3.6b -
    Big Blue (left) (sds)**
    Start on a good V-shaped hold and a crimp, traverse to the left, making a long move to get the good crimp, and finish up to the left.
  • 2.3.7 -
    Beluga (sds)*
    Start on a left good insert and right crimp , get the good crimp up ahead, finish above.
There are total 9 routes on the The Whale Boulder that is located in zone 2. The boulder problems are graded V2 - V6 and rated with stars, we recommend you to come and try these problems.