Sunset Forest Boulders

11.3 Valhalla Boulder

  • 11.3.1 -
    Odin’s rage***
    Double start on a right hand side pull and left hand crimp, make dynamic moves to get the big edge, finish above
  • 11.3.2 -
    God of War***
    Start on two circled crimps, do a shoulder move to reach the sloper, and then finish above
  • 11.3.2b -
    God of War Sds (sds)
    Sit start on the pinch and undercut, and then connect to the start hold of God of War
  • 11.3.3 -
    Start on a left hand undercut and right hand slopery crimp, then do few body tension moves to get the good crimps and jump to another jug, and then topout
  • 11.3.3b -
    Valhalla High Start**
    Start on the good crimps and do a dynamic move to jug and then topout
  • 11.3.3c -
    Valhalla Sds (sds)
    Sit start on the undercut and then connect to the start hold of Valhalla
  • 11.3.4 -
    Mimir (sds)***
    Double start, and then do a toehook, find yourself some holds you can use to finish above
There are total 7 routes on the Valhalla Boulder that is located in zone 11. The boulder problems are graded V3 - project and rated with stars, we recommend you to come and try these problems.