Sunset Forest Grade Listings

V0x 5 problems

V1x 16 problems

V2x 23 problems

V3x 21 problems

V4x 22 problems

V5x 24 problems

V6x 16 problems

V7x 5 problems

V8x 3 problems

V9x 1 problems

V10x 2 problems

V11x 1 problems

Projectx 15 problems

Welcome to the most extensive list of boulder problem grades in Sunset Forest, exclusively on CRAGS.HK. Our guide is designed to provide you with a clear understanding of the range and specifics of different grades we've assigned to the problems across all developed blocs.

At CRAGS.HK, we understand the importance of accurate grading for every climber's journey. Whether you're a beginner looking to gradually build your skills or an experienced climber seeking a new challenge, knowing the grade of a problem can significantly enhance your bouldering experience.

That's why we've compiled a comprehensive list of all grades assigned to the boulder problems in Sunset Forest. Each grade in this list is accompanied by a selection of problems of that level, helping you to easily identify challenges that align with your abilities.

Moreover, we've included detailed descriptions for each grade, explaining what kind of technical skills, strength, and experience are typically required to complete problems of that level. This way, you can continuously push your limits and track your progress as you master higher grades.

CRAGS.HK is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive climbing community. We encourage climbers to share their experiences, tips, and feedback, helping each other in the collective journey of bouldering.

Join us, and let's conquer the boulders of Sunset Forest one grade at a time!